Teaching Kindness and Respect through Martial Arts

“Karate begins and ends with respect.”

Anko Itosu

Karate and other martial arts, besides promoting sound physical exercise, teach self-confidence and respect – respect for others, for oneself, and for property. In children, these are exceptionally important character skills.

One of the central tenets of all forms of the martial arts is an absolute focus on self-discipline. In a society where kids can get accustomed to receiving instant gratification, lessons in self-restraint and discipline aren’t always easy to learn.  Kids with a martial arts background, however, are continually reminded of how essential self-discipline is in building character and achieving personal goals.

Mark Lehman, VillarisWe are lucky to have two outstanding martial arts institutions in Natick dedicated to increasing fitness level, fostering cooperation skills, encouraging non-violent conflict resolution, and empowering our youth:  Villaris of Natick and Revolution Martial Fitness.

I had the opportunity to talk to Sensei Mark Lehman, chief instructor and owner of Villaris, and certified 4th degree black belt.  Mark grew up in Natick, and has been running Villaris since 2006. His focus is to teach self-discipline, self control and respect and martial arts is the tool used to achieve those goals.  He calls it “practicing your karate.”  He incorporates moves such as the bow, where students are taught to bow in respect to instructors, parents, friends, the American flag, and anyone who has helped them in any way. They also practice what is called the “front position.” The hands are placed in a hidden fist position. The left hand is an open palm covering the right hand, which is a closed fist. Symbolically, the left palm stands for self control and the right hand stands for power. Control always covers power.

When asked what drew him to karate, Mark replied,

“Skills like respect, responsibility, and self-discipline are not innate, they need to be taught. For children whose brains are still maturing, it can be hard to learn and develop these behaviors. I teach martial arts because I it has both physical and emotional benefits. The skills they learn are lifelong.  I love to be a part of that character-building process.”

Villaris has always had a community-focus. In fact, community is part of the character-building that Villari’s teaches. Through monthly movie nights, a haunted dojo at Halloween where the proceeds benefit the Natick Service Council, participation in Natick’s Relay for Life, as well as involvement in  several other Natick community events, such as the Pan Mass Challenge, Scoopapalooza, Earth Day, and Natick Days, Villaris has become a fixture in our community.  

In 2012 one of Mark’s students, a Natick High Senior, teamed with Villaris to host an anti-bullying seminar geared towards students aged 6-12. The program was free for any child who wished to attend and focused on teaching children effective ways to defend themselves against verbal and physical bullying.

We have come to count on seeing Mark at Natick festivities with his famous board-breaking challenges! He is always recognized and always a friendly SPARK-like presence in Natick community gatherings.

Screenshot 2014-09-13 at 2.37.38 PMPaul Castagno, 5th degree Black Belt, and owner of Revolution Martial Fitness in Natick brings a passion and exuberance for the martial arts that comes across the minute you start a conversation. Paul started studying martial arts at age 14 because he lacked confidence and experienced bullying. Tired of getting picked on,  Paul thought  learning karate would be a way to retaliate. However, the more he studied, the more  his confidence grew, and the less he wanted to get into fights.  At 18, he was asked to teach, and the turning point came when he received a letter from a student’s mom thanking him for being such a positive role model for her son.  Martial arts has become Paul’s way of moving through the world, and is in perfect alignment with core values of SPARK Kindness. Paul speaks eloquently about his passion.

“Martial arts teaches us that kindness is the ultimate form of self defense. Treating others with kindness and respect is much better than fighting!   And self-confidence helps kids deflect bullying.  My hope is that we can teach our children how to stand with confidence, how to speak with confidence and how to ask an adult for help with confidence.  The training is about learning to get along, about respecting each other, and about being connected.”

And Revolution Martial Fitness is extending this kindness outside of the dojo as well. Committed to social justice and community service, they regularly partner with other martial arts schools to raise money and house-build for a non-profit organization in Alabama – HERO, an organization committed to end rural poverty.  Last April, Paul brought nine Natick students with him to groundfund (they raised $6,000!) and then helped build a house in three days.

Paul is involved in an exciting new venture called “Clothed in Confidence.”   Clothed in Confidence is a resource that Paul plans to offer to Natick public and private school teachers.  If a teacher finds that a student is being bullied, or is coming to school in need of some clothing, the teacher can reach out to Revolution Martial Fitness who provide resources for new clothes, and the student would also be invited to join the RVA community to learn tools and techniques to build confidence and help them deal with the bullying behavior.  At Revolution Martial Fitness, they are committed to exercise, healthy eating, goal setting, kindness, compassion and empathy.

Through martial arts, Villaris of Natick and Revolution Martial Fitness instill the virtues of kindness, loyalty, hard work and respect in the children of our Natick community. They provide direction and guidance to help their students achieve their greatest potential. They enable our children to grow through nurturing self esteem, teaching self discipline, and acceptance.

Thank you both for being  SPARKlers in our community!

–Betsy Johnson

Betsy is a Natick resident, wife, mom, writer, and Board Member of SPARK Kindness. She enjoys highlighting the SPARKlers in Natick who are making a difference in promoting kindness, creating a positive culture, and empowering youth.

SPARK = Successful Positive Authentic Resilient Kids


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